Full day sessions:

Fabio's prices are based depending on the style of tattoo, it can vary between $2000 - $3000 depending on the type of design and size.

After submitting an appointment request, we will reply with the exact price based on your idea.

For each day scheduled a $500 deposit by Zelle is requested. (not refundable)

This value will be deducted from the final value after each day session.

Payments are made per session. We do not request any payments in advance. (besides deposit)

Since we encourage large-scale tattoos, basically the price per session is more affordable when many sessions are needed to complete the design. please take a Look at the exemplary price list at the bottom of the form.


Arm sleeve: 7-8 day sessions

Leg sleeve: 9-12 day sessions

Back piece: 7-10 day sessions

Front piece: 8-12 day sessions

The total number of sessions depends on each client's size, pain tolerance and skin.

As mentioned, a ONE DAY SESSION takes 5-6 hours of tattooing.

The session starts at 9am lasting until 3pm with an 1 hour lunch break in between. (12-1pm)

There are exceptions in which Fabio can take a little longer if he needs the time to finish the work of the day.  

Fabio does not charge more for that.

Unlike many other artists, Fabio does not take breaks unless the client asks for one. 

Fabio has everything ready to start tattooing by 9am, this includes all his tattoo equipment, hygiene procedures, project and the stencil.  

Fabio's day sessions are fully dedicated to tattooing his clients 100%.

NOTE: the hours of project creation (1-3 hours), disinfection of all working areas and equipment, preparation of the material and stencil are anticipated before the arrival of the client. (Unlike most studios who claim to tattoo 7h+, but include all these tasks during the booked day session). 

Please consider Fabio tattoo’s 5-6 hours, without wasting the client's time.


Fabio will always maintain the theme requested by the client, but with his own interpretation. 

In other words, in most cases Fabio searches and chooses the references for the project.

The project will be shown on the first session scheduled, presented as digital format in person between Fabio and the client.

Fábio expects total trust in he’s decisions regarding placement, choice of references, contraste, and details, his suggestions and advices always bring the best results.

Please consider this before requesting an appointment.


Appointment requests for projects which are out of Fabio’s style / comfort zone, such as emails which our terms and conditions weren’t agreed with, will not be answered.

Fabio is very proud of his work and achievements. He values having client’s coming from all over the world, in order to work with him, a lot.

Fabio’s personal manager pays much attention to each client’s appointment request

Thank you for your interest.

We are looking forward to your appointment and the master piece which comes with it!